Sitefinity OOTB Reset Password
sitefinity | .NET, CMS, Sitefinity | 2022-12-20
sitefinity | .NET, CMS, Sitefinity | 2022-12-20
I configure the OOTB reset password screen for Sitefinity!
Tested and running in v13.3 and V14.4.
Previously we have made a mistake about Sitefinity reset password screen.
Today, the article is to showcase the step to configure the reset password screens.
It is slightly different between v14+ and v13 or below when setting up the screen.
Also, the workflow is slightly different if you want to reset password for public user and backend dashboard admin user.
In this article, we will focus on the backend dashboard admin user.
The login form
The reset password form
The change password form
Get the Default template from
The published page and get the forget password url, e.g. http://<domain>/auth/resetpassword
(Be-aware to use the correct url, its a multi-views widget, hence, the reset password screen may require another /resetpassword)
Then go to the backendpages /Sitefinity/Administration/BackendPages/Pages,
Edit the login page under authentication