Sitefinity Custom Reset Password Widget
sitefinity | NET, CMS, Sitefinity | 2022-11-20
I built a custom reset password screen for Sitefinity!
Tested and running in V13.
Problems / Issues
Sitefinity does not come with a reset password screen.
(Actually Sitefinity does come with the reset password screen, checkout here)
Hence we have to build a custom widget + content type to support it.
All codes can be found in my snippets.
My Solution
Modify and place the login.html to Sitefinity folder (Content/Pages/login.html)
Create a custom module to hold request id and user id. This is to hold the temporary request id and user id for password reset verification.
The content type structure
Hide the content page from showing in navigation. (at backendpages)
- Configure SMTP Profile.
- Configure advanced setting
Configure Security/Membership Providers/Default/Parameters/enablePasswordRetrieval to true
Configure Security/Membership Providers/Default/Parameters/enablePasswordReset to true
Add Custom Code to Global.asax.cs
Setup a Forgot Password Page in Pages
Select a default MVC Page
Install the ForgotPassword widget
- Reset password screen:
Then receive password reset link in email
It will route to the change password screen
Then back to login screen to login and test the login.