Sitefinity Document Transcribe

sitefinity | .NET, CMS, Sitefinity | 2025-01-20


The request is to transcribe documents into HTML format and allow it to be editable.

In Sitefinity, Content Blocks are used to display rich text and provide the ability to edit HTML content.

To customize the transcribe feature, we have to create own extension to the AdminApp.


We then look into the Code Sample and found that the closest one would be using editor-extender.

The sample code reference is Sitefinity Insert Videos Extension

We also disocvered there is a Paid Product to do the document transcribe.

To do so, our plan is to load the uploaded document in Sitefinity and transcribe it using Aspose.Word.


AdminApp is an Angular app, hence we need an API to query the uploaded document with Aspose.Word.

For the API, we first load the document into stream then convert to HTML with option of Export Image As Base 64.

Then for AdminApp, we start looking at cloning the code reference above.

After scanning through the code, we could not found any expose method to access document library like image/video library do using openImageLibrarySelector or openVideoLibrarySelector.

What is the workaround?

We are able to use the built-in insertDcoument to select uploaded document.

And we found that the previous discovered method in previous write-up can be resuse.

const editor = editorHost.getKendoEditor();
const editorValue = editor.value();

Then, we are able to use simple regex function to retrieve the document id and pass to our custom API.

Our custom API then accept the document id, using Sitefinity API LibrariesManager to retrieve the published document.

The API then use the Aspose.Word library to transribe and return the HTML.

Lastly, in adminapp, we can use method below to update the Content Blocks editor html.


Final Screen


New Challenges

However, the base64 images were not show in the content.

We suspect there is something related to the default HTML sanitizer.

We will need to allow the attribute / scheme / tags related to base64 images tag.

Finally, we found the right one is AllowedSchemes.

public class SitefinityExtendedHtmlSanitizer : HtmlSanitizer
    public SitefinityExtendedHtmlSanitizer()

Resolved Challenge



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