Sitefinity Lucene Search Classification Indexing
sitefinity | .NET, CMS, Sitefinity, Lucene | 2024-04-20
sitefinity | .NET, CMS, Sitefinity, Lucene | 2024-04-20
In my recent experience with Sitefinity v15.0, we encountered an unexpected issue related to Sitefinity search indexing using the default Lucene.
The string indexing functionality was working smoothly while the classification or taxonomy indexing wasn't.
Upon closer inspection during debugging sessions, it became apparent that only the TrackedList Guid was being indexed instead of the actual GUIDs.
After dedicating several hours to both code inspection and scouring online resources, we found an enlightening article.
It prompted me to take a deeper dive into the issue by decompiling the .dll files to identify any missing pieces.
As my investigation progressed, we opted to implement some code injections to ensure the proper translation of GUIDs within the indexing process.
This solution proved effective in resolving the issue and restoring the expected functionality to the search indexing mechanism.
After we read several articles including Benramey and Sitefinity KB, we got our solution process drawn:
1/ Ensure the search indexing can capture the right taxonomy id / name
2/ Decompile and inspect the Telerik.Siteifnity.Search.Impl.dll
Found that the Search Index piping translate Guid using TransparentTranslator
3/ Write a custing piping translator and register in when Sitefinity initialized
In our case, we decided to store the taxonomy name for my search purpose later
public class CustomTransparentTranslator : TransparentTranslator
private readonly TaxonomyManager _taxonomyManager;
public CustomTransparentTranslator()
_taxonomyManager = TaxonomyManager.GetManager();
public override object Translate(object[] valuesToTranslate, IDictionary<string, string> translationSettings)
if (valuesToTranslate.Count() > 0 && IsTrackedList<Guid>(valuesToTranslate[0]))
StringBuilder concatedStr = new StringBuilder();
ConcatValues(valuesToTranslate, concatedStr);
return concatedStr;
if (valuesToTranslate.Count() == 1)
return valuesToTranslate[0];
return valuesToTranslate;
private static bool IsTrackedList<T>(object data)
return data is TrackedList<T>;
private void ConcatValues(object[] data, StringBuilder concatedStr)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
string str = "";
if (IsTrackedList<Guid>(data[i]))
str = TranslatedTaxonomies(data, i);
if (!str.IsNullOrEmpty())
if (i + 1 < data.Length)
concatedStr.Append(' ');
private string TranslatedTaxonomies(object[] data, int i)
List<string> taxNames = new List<string>();
foreach (Guid guid in ((TrackedList<Guid>)data[i]))
var taxon = _taxonomyManager.GetTaxon(guid);
return string.Join(" ", taxNames);
4/ Register in Global.asax.cs when Sitefinity bootstrapped
PipeTranslatorFactory.RegisterTranslator(new CustomTransparentTranslator());
5/ Modify and extend the search result model, ensure it does take in filter for the searching.
Override the PopulateResults method.
To read the string filter and translate it to key pair value for filtering.
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> categoriesFilterClauses = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
Match match = Regex.Match(filter, @"Category=\((.*?)\)");
if (match.Success)
string categoriesStr = match.Groups[1].Value;
// Split the categories string by comma
string[] categories = categoriesStr.Split(',');
// Add each category to the list as a key-value pair
foreach (string category in categories)
categoriesFilterClauses.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Category", category.Trim()));
var filterGroups = new List<SearchFilterGroup>();
if (categoriesFilterClauses.Count > 0)
var categoriesFilterGroup = new SearchFilterGroup(QueryOperator.Or, categoriesFilterClauses);
Then use custom searching method
var customResults = SearchHelper.Search(searchQuery, indexCatalogue, this.SearchFields, out totalCount, filterGroups: filterGroups, groupQueryOperator: QueryOperator.And, skip: itemsToSkip, take: take.Value, orderBy: new List<string> { this.OrderBy.ToString() }).ToList();
The SearchHelper.Search method is reference from here
6/ Take note that the filter parameter is taking in base64 string, hence when filter it, just convert the string to base64.
e.g. filter category = breaking, the base64 value is Y2F0ZWdvcnk9KGJyZWFraW5nKQ==