Sitefinity x Grammarly
sitefinity | .NET, CMS, Sitefinity, C#, Grammarly | 2023-03-20
Background Story
We want to have grammar check while user editing the content.
How we do that?
Firstly, we register a Grammarly account at Grammarly
Add allowed domain of the Sitefinity instance.
Copy the client id as we are going to follow this approach: Grammarly Developer
With the html tag and script.
<script src=""></script>
Also pre-requisite for CMS, adding content security policy (CSP) rule:
connect sources
Two places to amend, the custom sf-html-field and the adminapp
1/ In the custom sf-html-field.sf-cshtml, added the Grammarly wrapper and script to Grammarly
Result at pop up editing RTE:
2/ Custom provider at AdminApp to inject the scripts
Result at the AdminApp powered RTE: