Sitefinity Content Import
sitefinity | NET, CMS, Sitefinity | 2023-04-20
sitefinity | NET, CMS, Sitefinity | 2023-04-20
Content migration can be a real hassle. When dealing with structured content, you have to go through each row of the exported data, copying and pasting everything manually into the appropriate form for that type of content. And of course, you need to review it before making it live.
Talking about Sitefinity CMS, the way content is organized – like custom content types or dynamic modules – involves some pretty complicated connections between lots of different tables.
Most of the time, we are forced to do the manual copy and paste for the sake of migrating the content.
Fortunate that we figure out how the tables in the database relate to each other. We also have written some scripts to help bring in data from Excel forms.
Efficiently bring the Excel content into the database as a draft, allowing the user to conduct another round of review on the migrated content before it's officially published.
The relationship when we publish a content:
From the finding, we aware that, when you publish a content, it will create 3 records - versions for master, temp and published.