Sitefinity AzureAD Integration
sitefinity | NET, CMS, Sitefinity, AzureAD, OpenId | 2021-01-20
Azure AD Setup
Go to you Azure Active Directory → App Registrations → New Registration
Give a name to the application, you can leave the Redirect URI as blank now. Then click Register.
Go to Authentication Tab → Add a platform → Web
Redirect URIs: http:/Sitefinity Instance/Sitefinity/Authenticate/OpenID/signin-custom
Select the tokens you would like to be issued by the authorization endpoint: Check ID Tokens
Sitefinity Setup
Spin up (If you haven’t) and run the Sitefinity Instance
Login to Sitefinity backend → Go to Administration → Advanced → Authentication → SecurityTokenService → AuthenticationProviders → OpenIDConnect
Do the following settings:
Setting | Key |
ClientID | Azure AD App – Application (client) ID |
Response type | id_token |
Allowed scopes | openid profile email |
Authority |[Azure AD App Directory (tenant) ID]/v2.0/authorize |
Metadata address |[Azure AD App Directory (tenant) ID]/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration |
Redirect URI | https://[Sitefinity Instance]/Sitefinity/Authenticate/OpenID/signin-custom |
Post logout redirect URI | https://[Sitefinity Instance] |
Title | Azure AD Login |
Enabled | True |
Auto assigned roles | Administrators |
Require email claim from this provider | True (We can check the metadata address to understand what to map) |
Claims to fields mappings | Email: email, SitefinityProfile.FirstName: name, SitefinityProfile.Nickname: nickname |
Restart Sitefinity
Verification a. Visit http://Sitefinity Instance/Sitefinity → Click Azure Login
b. It will prompt you a permission request for first time login, simply press Accept.
c. It will prompt for your username + password. Fulfill it and it will route you back to Sitefinity dashboard
d. Then go to Administration → Users, you will see an unknown user and a default user while both having same email address.
e. It is working!
Further Enhancement
- Intercept AzureAD callback response, and create necessary users with proper profile
- Hide the default login method completely
- Create a file under /Content/Pages/login.html
- Comment unnecessary blocks: login.html (
- Restart Sitefinity, and you will see only Azure Login button
- Consider to write a script to redirect on page load