Postman Integrate with Azure DevOps
cicd | Postman, Testing, Azure DevOps | 2022-07-20
cicd | Postman, Testing, Azure DevOps | 2022-07-20
1.1 Create a collection
1.2 Add in a few new Requests
1.3 Write test cases for the Requests
1.4 Export Collection
2.1 Create a new folder
2.2 Run npm init -y
2.3 Run npm install --save newman
2.4 Create a new file .gitignore
2.5 Ignore these folders in gitignore
2.6 Copy the exported collection in step 1.4 to root
2.7 Commit and push the repository
3.1 Create a new pipeline and reference source to the repository and branch of step 2
3.2 Source settings:
Clean: True
Clean options: Source
3.3 Create an Agent Job and select an Agent Pool
3.4 Add a NPM task
Command: install
Working directory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
3.5 Add a Command Line task
Script: "./node_modules/.bin/newman" run DevOps.postman_collection.json --reporters cli,junit --reporter-junit-export Results\junitReport.xml
(environment) Script: "./node_modules/.bin/newman" run DevOps.postman_collection.json -e myenv.postman_environment.json --reporters cli,junit --reporter-junit-export Results\junitReport.xml
Working directory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Continue on error: Yes
3.6 Add a Publish Result Task
Test result format: JUnit
Test results files: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Results\*.xml
Search folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Upload test results files: Yes
5.1 Tests tab will appear beside Summary tab